(Hereinafter referred to as "the Corporation")
Formed in 1985, Revised June 1, 2007, Revised Aug 22, 2011, Revised August 8, 2017.

For all purposes, the Corporation shall be known and identified as "Big Gull Lake East End Cottage Association".

The Corporation promotes the common interests of the seasonal and permanent residents and landowners on the east end of Big Gull Lake, situated in North Frontenac Township in the Province of Ontario.
These interests include, but are not limited to:

  1. The sound management of the environment of the lake and its adjacent properties;
  2. The maintenance of aquatic, animal and plant life;
  3. The maintenance of water quality of the lake;
  4. Water safety on the lake and road safety;

The Corporation may study local and provincial government plans affecting the residents and property holders and make representation to the various levels of government with respect to these matters.


  1. Full Member: Any cottage or permanent home on Big Gull Lake in the geographic area covered by the Corporation shall be entitled to membership in the Corporation.  A full membership covers all residents, 18 years or older of the cottage or permanent home and a member in good standing (dues paid for the current year) entitles one resident of the cottage or permanent home to vote at general membership meetings.
  2. Associate member:  Associate memberships may be granted to non-cottage owners/residents who wish to keep abreast of association news and activities, etc.  Associate members are not entitled to vote at general membership meetings.
  3. Honorary member:  The Directors may award dues free Honorary Memberships to non-cottage owners/residents for outstanding service to our association.  Honorary members are not entitled to vote at general membership meetings.

The following shall constitute the Board of Directors and manage the affairs of the Corporation according to the provisions of this charter:
North Shore Road Manager
Environmental Steward
Director(s) at Large

All Directors shall be Association Members elected for two-year terms by the general membership and elections shall be held at the annual general membership meeting.
The positions of Treasurer, Environmental Steward and Director-at-Large shall be filled at an Annual Meeting in even years, and President, Vice President, Secretary in odd years. 

In the event that any office is not filled at the Annual general membership meeting:

  • A committee of three (3) members from the Association, with at least one (1) Director, shall be appointed by the general membership to seek out and find a person(s) to fill the vacant office(s) until the next Annual Meeting.
  • The remaining Directors shall assume the duties of the vacant office(s) until that office is filled.
  • Should a Director resign during the year, the remaining Directors may appoint a replacement to fill the position until the next Annual General Membership Meeting.

** This section does not apply to the office of the Road Managers. Road Members are responsible for finding a person to fill the vacant Road Manager positions.

To call all required meetings and preside over them;
To call such other meetings of Directors and Area Representatives as are needed;
To be responsible for agendas;
To be responsible for gathering information, and the publication of at least two newsletters annually (spring and winter).  See # 15 & 16.
To be responsible for having an Association Directory, published and distributed on an annual basis in the spring;
To ensure that an Association mailing list database is maintained;
To set the dates, times and locations of meetings;
To establish special projects on which support is required;
To identify matters raised in respect to municipal, provincial or federal applications;
To obtain speakers for the Annual Meetings, if desired;
To designate another Director to fulfill the President's responsibilities in his or her absence;
The President can make a motion or second a motion, and may vote;
In the absence of the Secretary from the meeting, the President shall appoint one of the attending Directors to assume the duties of the Secretary;
To be responsible to see that all duties of Directors are fulfilled in accordance with this charter;
To ensure liaison is maintained with other Associations on Big Gull Lake.

To undertake such assignments as requested by the President or the Directors as a group;
To be responsible for recruiting Area Representatives and Area Representatives' Alternates;
To co-ordinate Area Representatives' activities, such as distribution of literature;
To ensure that Association events are documented and preserved;
To be responsible for the Association supplies;
To be responsible for ensuring that notices are posted to advertise the Annual Meeting;
To assist those members involved in raising revenues from other sources, such as calendars and maps, by coordinating sales and distribution.

To take minutes at all meetings called by the President, including all motions and a brief description of discussions and results;
To send minutes of all meetings to all Directors and other Association members who were invited (except Annual Meeting minutes);
To provide approved Annual Meeting minutes to the Association Webmaster. 
To provide copies of all minutes to the Association Auditor;
To issue such correspondence as required or directed by Directors;
To maintain files of correspondence, and be responsible for all former Association records.

To collect and account for fees and assessments collected from Members of Big Gull Lake East End Cottage Association;
To maintain general ledger accounts for:
General Fund (Dues, interest, and revenues from other sources)
Environmental Fund
Calendar Fund
North Shore Road Fund
To provide all Area Representatives, prior to the Area Representatives' meeting, a list of those members in their respective areas who are delinquent in paying dues and fees;
To be responsible for necessary banking;
To issue cheques and payments as authorized by the Board of Directors;
To present a financial report of income and expenditures at Directors' meetings;
To prepare a budget for the spring Directors’ meeting;
To prepare financial statements for presentation and examination at annual meetings;
To prepare such special reports as are requested by the Directors;
To make the records available for review by the auditor prior to the AGM;
To assist with maintaining the membership database with payment status and mailing addresses.
To issue cheques and payments for road expenses as authorized and approved by the Road Manager providing such funds are available in the road account.

North Shore Road Manager
To monitor the condition of roads paid for by the road members but not including private driveways and parking areas;
To consult with those residing on said roads about necessary repairs and maintenance and recommend an annual road maintenance fee (prior to the Annual Meeting);
To inform the Directors at the Annual Meeting of the road maintenance fee for the upcoming year;
To arrange for contractors or members to effect repairs, and authorize expenditures;
To approve all contractors' invoices and submit same to the Treasurer for payment.

Environmental Steward
To arrange for spraying or other means of control at a cost authorized by the Directors;
To keep the Directors advised on matters posing a pollution threat to the lake area;
To be responsible for lake water test programs;
To keep abreast of proposed changes in laws and regulations involving aspects of the environment that could affect the Association, such as the Township dump, drinking water sources, lake water levels, etc. and advise the Directors accordingly;
To attend local meetings on environmental matters, or send representatives to such groups as the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority.

Director(s) at Large
Duties to be determined: the Director at Large will be responsible for assisting the other Directors in matters pertaining to the environment, communication, business, recreational events, liaison with the area representatives, the membership, governments and other duties of BGLEECA Directors. Directors at Large may also include a road group representative for road groups of more than 15 cottages.

Director Emeritus (Director at Large)
The Director Emeritus is a former director who is requested by the board of directors to serve on the board to assist in matters pertaining to the environment, communication, business, recreational events, liaison with the area representatives, the membership, governments and other duties of BGLEECA Directors.

All cheques issued or monies paid in respect to financial obligations require the approval of two Directors, one being an Authorized Director. Authorized Directors are directors who have bank cards and signing authority at the bank. Financial obligations approved in advance at a Directors’ meeting, and duly recorded in the minutes, are considered to have authorization for payment by a Director.

I. During the course of the year, the following meetings are required.  Directors should attend all these meetings if possible.

  1. Annual meetings of the general membership (AGM) held near the Labour Day week-end
  2. Fall Directors' Meeting held in September/early Fall
  3. Spring Directors' Meeting held in May
  4. Area Representatives' Meeting held in June with Directors
  5. Directors' Meeting held in July.


  1. Above: To carry out the provisions set forth in the charter: reporting the past year's activities; and charting the future with members' participation.
  2. Above:  Follow-up on action items from the Annual Meeting; make appointments.
  3. Above:  Set course for summer season; Review environmental needs; Spring Newsletter review.
  4. Above:  An opportunity to hear from our Area Representatives on Association needs and ideas; to enlist their help in carrying out Association programs.
  5. Above:  To prepare the agenda and draft motions for the Annual Meeting.

II. Additional meetings shall be called as needed to address matters which require the attention of the Directors or general membership.
III. Agendas
Agendas are required for the AGM and Director’s meetings.  The agendas are to be prepared and circulated beforehand to those invited.  All agendas will include the item "Other Business". 
IV. Quorums
In respect to general membership meetings, twenty (20) paid-up memberships shall constitute a quorum.
In respect to Directors' Meetings, four (4) Directors shall constitute a quorum.

I. Dues and Assessments:
At the Annual Meetings, the general membership shall set annual dues and assessments for Full Members and annual dues for Associate Members.
ll. North Shore Road Maintenance Assessments:
a) The North Shore Road Manager is authorized to spend up to the total amount in the road account. If additional funding is needed, the Road Manager is responsible for arranging for the collection of funds needed from the road members to pay these bills.
b) As a service to road members having a Road Manager/Director, the Association will:
            1) Collect annual fees;
            2) Pay contractors' invoices upon receipt of same approved by the Road
                 Manager, providing funds are available in the road account;
            3) Provide financial information to the Road Manager as required;
            4) Provide information on delinquent accounts to the Road Manager;
            5) Provide road members' addresses to the Road Manager for special mailings.
lII. Levels of Authorization of expenditures (excluding road maintenance):
a) The normal cost of printing and distributing newsletters, agendas and other Association information, website hosting and maintenance, and telephone calls related to Association activities, shall be borne by the membership.        
b) A budget will be presented for approval at the spring Directors’ meeting, and entered into the minutes.
c) The Board of Directors is authorized to spend up to $2,000 for any one special project, providing it has the approval of the majority of a quorum of Board Members.  These authorizations shall be recorded as part of the meeting minutes.
d) Authorization by the general membership is required for expenditures from the general fund for over $2,000. These authorizations shall be recorded as part of the meeting minutes. 
e)  In special cases, such as a threat to the environment of the lake and shorelines from infestations or over development, the Board of Directors is authorized to spend up to the total amount in the environment account.  This requires the approval of the majority of a quorum of Board Members.  These authorizations shall be recorded as part of the meeting minutes.
IV.Transfer of Funds
Funds may be transferred between general ledger accounts, but only with the approval of the general membership. These transfers shall be recorded as part of the minutes.
V. Environmental Fund Balance and Levies
If the fund balance is below $5,000, the Board of Directors may levy a charge against each cottage owner to replenish the fund. A levy must be first approved by a vote by the majority of a quorum of directors; then be voted on and passed by a quorum of paid-up full members at an AGM or emergency meeting.

An Auditor may be chosen by the general membership at the Annual Meeting.  Anyone except Directors shall qualify for this position.  If no auditor is chosen by the general membership the Board of Directors shall choose a qualified person for this position.
The Auditor's duties include:
To examine all bills and receipts;
To examine expenditures against authorizations from minutes of meetings;
To see that all income and expenditures are entered into the proper accounts;
To make public the auditor's annual report to the general membership at the Annual Meeting.

The Association shall be comprised of Areas with each area represented by a Member.  The Area Representatives shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and are responsible to maintain close contact with members in their area and to discuss such matters as may seem appropriate. Other responsibilities are:
To greet new cottage owners, informing them about the Association and providing them with information that is ordinarily provided to the general membership;
To attend meetings called by the Directors;
To assist the Treasurer in collecting dues and fees from members delinquent in paying.

Each area shall have an Alternative Area Representative to act on behalf of the Area Representative in his/her absence.  Alternate Area Representatives shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.

The Directors of the Corporation, through the President, may appoint such committees or designate such members as may be required to carry out special or ongoing assignments for such activities as calendar preparation, rebuilding spawning beds, water testing etc. (with such authorities as are invested in the Directors in keeping with this Charter).

There shall be at least two newsletters a year – one in the Spring and the other in winter.  While it is the President's responsibility to see that these Newsletters are published, the President may enlist the help of the other Directors to provide written information pertaining to their areas of responsibilities.  For example: the Treasurer's Report, Road Manager's report and plans, and Environmental Manager's report and plans. 

While the President is responsible for the Association Newsletters, the President may appoint a newsletter editor to publish newsletters according to the stipulations of this charter.  However, it is the President's responsibility to make sure that all the news, including all Directors' reports and other pertinent information, mailing labels and envelopes, are provided to the newsletter editor in sufficient time that the newsletter editor can meet the publication deadlines.
These events shall be funded from the general fund through authorization by the Directors.

The Association Environmental Emergency Fund (formerly known as Association 
Spraying Policy) is designated for assisting in the cost of, or prevention of, emergencies which constitute a serious threat to the environment on Big Gull Lake (see section 2).

  1. An environmental emergency can be defined as a concern affecting the environment of a group of cottagers.
  2. It is the responsibility of the affected group to bring the problem to the attention of their area representative(s) and the Board of Directors.
  3. A meeting will be convened by the President or Environmental Steward to review the problem.
  4. A quorum of Directors will determine if the problem is worthy of Association involvement and use of funds from the environmental emergency account.
  5. The Directors must also decide whether the problem is one that might have widespread implications or is strictly a local one.
  6. If it is determined to be a local matter, the group will be responsible for working out a cost sharing fee with the Directors.
  7. The Board of Directors may levy a charge against each cottage owner to maintain the fund. See section 10-IV.
  8. All methods used by the Association to control threats to our environment must be approved by the appropriate Provincial Ministry (i.e. Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources).
  9. All Director meetings on this subject shall be recorded.